
Civil Society Tunis Declaration 21 November, 2005

January 16, 2011
This is a statement from the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society, held in Tunis.APC, the association for progressive communication, reports on the civil society press conference on 18 November. Civil society representatives from all continents lined up on a panel to deliver a stark closing statement. The civil society statement was not finalised, but four points are addressed: internet governance, human rights, financing and development, and follow-up.

Whose Precarity Is It Anyway? by Stevphen Shukaitis

December 6, 2010

Whose Precarity Is It Anyways?
By Stevphen Shukaitis

“The condition today described as that of the precarious worker is perhaps the fundamental reality of the proletariat. And the modes of existence of workers in 1830 are quite close to those of our temporary workers.” – Jacques Ranciere, The Nights of Labor: The Workers’ Dream in Nineteenth Century France

Participation and Beyond: PV Satheesh

December 6, 2010
Participation and Beyond : Handing Over the Camera
By P V Satheesh, Deccan Development Society, Hyderabad, India
In order to start understanding Participatory Video we may have to look at it from a number of perspectives simultaneously. It may in fact become more and more difficult to separate PV, as it is being gradually enclosed into certain structures of definition, from a number of precursor efforts which may have more than one element of PV as it is currently understood.
•From the participation perspective
•From the literacy perspective

Luis Lievano, Coordinator of Multimedios y Medio (English Translation)

November 27, 2010

Luis Lievano, Coordinator of Multimedios y Medio
Clip 1

00:04 My name is Luis Lievano, I coordinate the communications workshop called Multimedios y Medio. Here we explore all the issues related to communication. We teach workshop in indigenous communities, radio radio, viedo, and oral narration. Everything related to oral communication as a mode of alternative communication. We have also produced a series of documentaries and a publication about graffiti. However, our main interest is the democratization of the media.

Luis Lievano, Coordinador de Multimedios y Medio (Spanish)

November 27, 2010

Luis Lievano, Coordinator of Multimedios y Medio
Clip 1

00:04 Mi nombre es Luis Lievano, coordino el taller de comunicaciones Multimedios y Medio... Desde aqui exploramos todo lo que tiene que ver con la comunicacion. Dictamos talleres de comunicacion con comunidades indigenas, talleres de radio, de video, de narracion oral, lo que tiene que ver con la oralidad, como una forma de comunicacion alternativa. Tambien tenemos un trabajo haciendo una serie de documentales y publicacions sobre el graffiti. Pero nuestro gran interes tiene que ver con la democratizacion de la comunicacion.

Mauricio Acosta, Video Coorinador de ACIN (SPANISH)

November 27, 2010

Mauricio Acosta (Colombia)
Video Coordinator of ACIN

00:36 La comunidad indigena Nasa tambien llamados Paeces conforman 112,000 indigenas en todo el territorio del Norte del Cauca. Ellos estan organizados resguardos indigenas en territorios colectivos que no se pueden vender ni comprardonde viven todos los indigenas, los comuneros. La Asociacion de Cabildos lo que hace es generar propuestas de trabajo, de desarrollo a traves de empresas productivas, de propuestas de salud, de seguridad, propuestas juridicas, para la convivencia y la armonia de todos los indigenas del Norte del Cauca.

Radio Toribio: Gustavo Adolfo, director Telecentro Comunitario (Log of tape--in Spanish)

November 27, 2010

Mi trabajo mas que todo es estar pendiente de la pagina web. Mirando los comunicados y noticias revisando los correos de la asociación de cabildos, repondiendo. Teniendo que estar pendiente de lo que sucede a nivel del Cauca, a nivel de Colombia, y a nivel del mundo. Para que tanto la gente de la comunidad y de otros sitios este pendiente de lo que esta pasando y de la vivencia que tenemos en este momento en el pais. Es un poco el papel que desarrollo

Mauricio Acosta, Video Coorinador de ACIN (English Translation)

November 27, 2010

Mauricio Acosta (Colombia)
Video Coordinator of ACIN- Association of Indigenous Council of the North of Cauca.

00:36 The Nasa Indigenous community, also called Paeces, are 112,000 in the North of Cauca. They are organized in indigenous reserves, in communal lands, which cannot be sold or bought. The Association of Councils generates work and development projects through productive enterprises, and health, security and judicial programs, to better the living and harmony of all Indigenous people of North of Cauca.

Interview with Radio Payamut Staff, Colombia (in Spanish)

November 25, 2010


00:00 Mauricio Dorado

Interview with Alfonso Gumucio Dagron

November 24, 2010

00:21 I’m Alfonso Gumucio, I’ve been working with community media for the last 30 years, supporting radio stations in my country Bolivia, basically miners radio stations, but also peasant radio stations. We’ve been doing a lot of training when I was the director of SIMCA, which is a local NGO, and a personal adventure also, which I created in 1984 when I returned from exile. Then I’ve been doing the same type of work all over the world with different organizations, Asia, Africa, Latin America.