Alliance for Community Media

CRTC Releases Yet Another "Paternalistic" Community TV Policy

August 27, 2010
Ottawa (August 28,2010) After eight long years of complaints from the Canadian public that they have been excluded from "community TV channels" on cable, the CRTC yesterday released a new community TV policy for Canada that is little better than the existing policy.

Argentine Senate Overwhelmingly Approves Media Law

October 12, 2009

By MAYRA PERTOSSI - Associated Press Writer
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- Argentina's Senate overwhelmingly approved a law that will transform the nation's media landscape on Saturday, and President Cristina Fernandez quickly signed it into law.

New Hope for Community TV in Canada

June 29, 2009
By Carlito Pablo
A report tabled in Parliament by the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage has given some measure of hope to advocates of independent community television.

After more than a decade, community television producers again may be able to access public funds for programming purposes.

Television Comunitaria en Venezuela

May 13, 2008
La Jornada:

■ La idea surgió en 2002, ante el “cerco mediático de la tv comercial”

Popular barrio de Caracas será sede de televisora comunitaria
■ La zona es conocida por la violencia y el narcotráfico

■ La antena se ubica en el cerro La Bombilla, por lo que la cobertura será amplia


Way Beyond YouTube! Wiki on US PEG Streaming

December 13, 2007
The Alliance for Community Media has set up a Wiki with links to streaming PEG (Public, Educational and Government) channels in the U.S. You can get a sense of what sort of programming is being presented on these channels. Access centers can add their own url if it has not been included on the interactive site.