community media

Clemencia Rodriguez and CINEP's First Video Project

June 21, 2009
Clemencia Rodriguez takes a portapak video camera to a remote village in Colombia.
The next day, sure enough, at sun up they were there with five mules to pick us up-- us and our very shiny, new video camera and so we got on the mules, Claudia on one mule and myself on another and we put the equipment on another one and up we went on an Andean trail until we found this community of small farmers (Samana Caldas) which was about two hours away. The plan for that day and the following days...

Agora TV, Argentina

April 29, 2009
Agora TV

Catia TV: Don't just watch TV, make it!

January 25, 2008
Catia TV la televisora comunitaria para las populosas zonas del Oeste de Caracas

Intrevista con Ricardo Márquez por ENcontrARTE Es el actual director de Catia TV, la televisora comunitaria para las populosas zonas del Oeste de Caracas.


July 10, 2007
Some attempts at community media in Honduras.


June 15, 2007
Community Space
Sometimes the simplest communication is the best.

Dirk Koning founded the Grand Rapids Media Center, which became a global model for what community media could be. This video is a story he often told about a very basic need of a small village for a communication tool.