Waves of Change: The Many Voices of the Global Village is a multimedia project designed to survey community media around the world by compiling and archiving the creative use of participatory communication globally. Waves of Change acts as a platform to share pieces that in many cases are not seen beyond the locale of their production. Independent and community media can become sustainable by building a shared presence, using innovative and creative strategies and by developing national and regional regulations that support democratic media. Some examples of the types of posts we include are: • Communities using media in their struggles for land, human rights, representation, and cultural autonomy (La Minga Popular - Colombia, 2008) • Collaboration and convergence of internet and radio in rural villages (Interviews with Women from the Deccan Community Media Trust - India, 2010) • Movements pushing for state, local, and global regulations to protect free speech and access to technology (Save MediAct! - South Korea, 2007) A central component of Waves of Change is a collaborative map, which profiles individual projects from their location on a world map, inverting the traditional top-down science of cartography by emphasizing what community media activists think is important and worth mapping. We hope to make the map especially useful for the community of media makers both locally and abroad, by helping them learn, connect with, and collaborate on diverse projects. In this way, the concept of the project is fundamentally collaborative, and we appreciate feedback and particaption! Waves of Change has been funded by The Media Justice Fund of The Funding Exchange, The Philadelphia Foundation, The Experimental Television Center, Art Matters and individual donors. Explore our website and let us know how we can make this project more useful for you! Email your ideas to deepdishtelevision_at_gmail_dot_com