youth media

Kokorat (Street Children) testify to the youth reporters of Tele Ghetto

August 4, 2011
Tele Ghetto

Thanks to Brandon Jourdan for sending Waves this post.  Brandon has helped to train the Tele Ghetto reporters.



Youth Video on Buses Cover Los Angeles

June 5, 2011
For decades LA Freewaves has presented video and new technology in creative and different ways.

LA Freewaves Bus TourLA Freewaves Bus Tour 

Video Project Bus Rides Cover Los Angeles

June 5, 2011
LA Freewaves has presented video and new technology in creative and different ways.


Intergenerational Indigenous Project

January 6, 2011
Rachel Tso just completed her masters at Northern Arizona University. The film focuses on Rachel's work with Outta Your Backpack Media, teaching Navajo youth using film making as a medium.


July 27, 2007
The Alliance for Community Media is a national organization in the US supporting Public, Educational & Government Access.

The Alliance for Community Media is holding their annual conference in Minneapolis.Lauren Glynn Davidian received the George Stoney award for her work with Chittenden Communit