community media

La Araña Galponera - La Casita Colectiva

August 2, 2014
Video & Television
Sarah Lewison visits this small community television project in Argentina.

La Araña Galponera es un colectivo de artistas mendocinos con la perspectiva de revalidar el trabajo artístico y el rol social del arte

Local community owned cell service in Oaxaca

July 19, 2014
Media policy
Oswaldo Martínez, a community activist with Fundación Santa Maria in Yaviche talks about Community Cellular Telephony

Telefonía Celular Comunitaria en Santa María Yaviche, Oaxaca from Rhizomatica Communications on Vimeo.

February 17, 2014
Digital megaphones amplify the voices of marginalized communities

Since 2004, has been inviting groups of people marginalized within society to express their experiences and opinions. Using mobile phones they create audio recordings, videos, text and images that are immediately published on the Web. Participants transform these devices into digital megaphones, amplifying the voices of individuals and groups who are often overlooked or misrepresented in the mainstream media.

Community Media in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela

March 13, 2013
Community Space
A visit to Venezuela in 2011 is taped by Carlos Pareja, media activist from Brooklyn and Peru.
Carlos Pareja visited Venezuela and went to a small media center
that had a radio station, a library, and even a SUPERMARKET!
He says:


ALAIC Meets in Montevideo: XI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación

June 2, 2012
Los investigadores de la comunicación de América Latina dice que el congreso fue más grande que los anteriores.

This Congress is the eleventh meeting of Latin American community media researchers.  Many of the papers are on line at the congress site.  The following report is from Bitácora memoriosa  the exquisite blog which is posted by community media pioneer, Alfonso Gumucio Dagron:


May 19, 2012
Indian Government fees make grassroots radio difficult.

May 14th, 2012, Bangalore, India

Indymedia Radio Activist Shot in Kenya

February 25, 2012
Stephen Nyash was working with Koch FM, a station in Korogocho, a township near Nairobi.

There is an article about Nyah at:

February 22, 2012 It is with great sadness that Indymedia Africa announced the death of Shephen Nyash: Dear Comrades, I am very sad to inform you that last night, our friend, comrade and colleague Stephen Nyash was shot dead in Korogocho where he lived and worked for most of his life.


Radio Work with Rural Youth in Guatemala by Lisa Maya Knauer

December 29, 2011

From a Blog by Lisa Maya Knauer
Rural youth