
Petition to Censor Mural about Environment Destruction

December 8, 2015
Hundreds sign petition amid rumours of censorship for 'scary' Toronto mural.

Corn Resistance

February 1, 2013
Under Threat
Sow these seeds of resistance and join the growing movement against transgenic contamination.

You Can Offer Sanctuary to Zapatista Corn!

Homage to Siqueiros

July 29, 2011
Homage to the Mexican muralist Siqueiros.


homage to Siqueiros

homage to Siqueiros

Photo by Daniel Del Solar

Soldaderas celebrates the legacy of two remarkable women, Frida Kahlo and Julia de Burgos

July 7, 2011
This mural by Yasmin Hernandez is in the garden on Lexington Ave and 104th Street.

 Art for Change and the El Barrio Arts Cluster are proud to present Soldaderas, a solidarity mural by artist Yasmin Hernandez located at Hope Community’s Modesto “Tin” Flores Garden.Soldaderas Mural in East Harlem

Soldaderas Mural in East Harlem

Street Art from Peru

February 27, 2010
Creative graffiti on the streets of Peru. Photos by Carlos Pareja

Mural Memorial

May 2, 2009
Art & Activism
A mural in Fort Green, Brooklyn remembers Ben O'Garro


Memorial Mural for Sarah Peisch-Puerto Rican Activist

April 19, 2008
Dedicated community leader passes.

Sarah Peisch died on January 9, 2008. She had lived in Puerto Rico for 17 years and had become a dedicated leader of the community. RIMX and SON were the artists of the mural painted in her honor.LUCHA EN CONTR DE LA EXPROPIACION Y LA PRIVATIZACION DE PLAYAS