
Koreans Demonstrate in Seoul

November 19, 2011
Koreans reacting to the Free Trade Agreements met by new police tactics

Migrant Workers Television in Korea Has Covered Many Immigration Issues

May 18, 2011
Program subjects include human rights, health care, multicultural education, employment permits.


Issues that have been covered by Migrant Workers Television (MWTV) are health care, employment permits, multi cultural education, ethnic cultural events,  human rights, crackdowns on refugees.  Immigrants in Korea come from Bangladesh, China, Philippines, Mongolia, Burma, Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal and Vietnam. Many of the programs are in these languages and cover specific issues of interest to migrants. http://www.mwtv.or.kr/

A list of their programs sorted by ethnic community and subjects is at:




Deep Dish Television is working on a series about migration: deepdishtvuprooted.wordpress.com/

Migrant Workers Television

May 18, 2011
Migrant workers in Seoul make television programs about immigration and migrants' rights.

Koreans Protest Internet Policies

June 20, 2008
Protests against government censorship of the internet in Korea.
Korean Progressive Network Jinbonet, together with activists of Korea Human Rights Network, had a press conference this morning (June 20, 2008) at 11 am in the lobby o

Laser Tagging

June 12, 2008
Korea activists use Laser Tagging to comment on Free Trade.

OURMedia 6 - Japanese

July 3, 2007
Our Media/Nuestros Medios is an international organization supporting media education and community production.